A few weeks ago, right after the Running of the Green 5-miler, I pulled an abdominal/groin muscle and had to take a few weeks easy. I saw a sports medicine doctor who confirmed that I strained my abdominal and hip flexor muscles. At that point, the pain was nearly all gone and I had resumed doing some harder workouts.
Sometime since then, however, I seem to have pulled it again. It’s not as bad as it was, when sneezing was painful, but it’s enough to make me nervous. I ran 13 miles on Sunday, and was feeling pretty sore and achy towards the end. Even now, several days later, I still feel beat up. Ashlie and I are running the Newport Marathon on June 1st, so I have to be in decent shape for that, regardless of whether I race it or just jog it. Plus, Seneca7 is just a few weeks away. So I need to be smart and cautious and try to keep training without re-injuring myself. Wish me luck!