Introducing, RunTuff (again!)

Until recently, RunTuff was the personal website of Steve Perks, who allowed me to usurp it for my coaching services at the suggestion of Josh Perks. I am very thankful for this, as I did not have to worry about coming up with a clever name or going through all the trouble of getting a website up and running. A few weeks ago, Josh re-organized his websites and handed over to me after archiving Read more…

The year of PRs!

Prior to 2024, I hadn’t run more than one PR a year in over ten years. I trained my ass off in my 20s, and set some impressive (to me) personal records that are all but untouchable now. So despite running a personal best in the 800m in 2018 and a brand-new four-miler PR in 2020 (first time racing that distance = automatic PR!), I haven’t come anywhere close to my best times since 2014. Read more…

Buffalo Subaru Chase report

What’s this? A race report that isn’t for Boilermaker or a marathon? I know, it’s strange, but please bear with me. No, not like that. Even though this is a “short” race, it was one of the USATF team races that Roadkill Racing competed in this year, and one that I’ve been wanting to do for a while. Ashlie’s parents were kind enough to drive up from Ellicottville to watch the kids so we both Read more…

2024 Boilermaker – first Masters race!

Last month, I turned 40. While I spent much of the previous year mentally preparing myself for such an event, it’s still a bit of a shock to think that I am one of the “old men” now, and therefore racing under the “Masters” moniker. This year’s Utica Boilermaker 15K was my first race as a Masters, and I wanted to show that I may be old, but I’m not washed up! I’ve been surprisingly Read more…

Salisbury Marathon – redemption attempt

Last October, I ran my first marathon in four years. It was, to put it mildly, a complete disaster. I overestimated my fitness, took off too fast like a rookie, and hit the wall hard. It wasn’t quite a personal worst, but it was close. This year, I wanted to redeem myself in my 18th state by running smart and having an enjoyable experience. Once again, my training was decent. I consistently was running around Read more…

Atlantic City Marathon Recap

Four years is a long time. In that time, a child can double in height, a president can serve their elected term, and a person can matriculate and graduate from college. Also, on a more personal level, I can completely forget how to run a marathon. In case you don’t want to read several pages detailing the highs and lows of my training and the race, the gist is it didn’t go well. If you Read more…

Marathon Musings

1,470 days. That’s how long it will have been between my last marathon and the Atlantic City marathon, which is on October 22nd. Ashlie and I ventured out to Connecticut in October 2019 to run the Hartford marathon four years ago. I don’t think either of us had any idea it would take almost 1,500 days before either of us ran another, but life, as they say, has its own plans. The following spring, the Read more…

Another Year, Another Boilermaker Report

The four of you who read this blog may remember that last year I ended my streak of running the Utica Boilermaker 15K in under an hour by logging a 1:01:24. This marked the first time in 17 years that I hadn’t gone under 60 minutes, but was not unexpected given my lack of training in the nine months leading up to the race. This year, I have actually been able to train fairly well, Read more…

The race that changed my life

While out on an easy jog the other day, I found myself reliving some of my favorite races. Of course, my proudest personal bests were in there: my 16:00 5K and my 2:39 marathon especially, but I found myself reminiscing about one particular race that truly altered my path in life, much more than any personal best or victory. The year was 2011. Ashlie and I had just gotten married the year before, and I Read more…

A special post from a special guest!

By Avery Roberts (age 7) Climate change means that the earth is getting warmer. Burning coal and gas can cause climate change by letting out extra carbon dioxide into the air. Carbon dioxide warms the earth. One way we can tell it’s happening is there is less snow in winter. Flowers bloom sooner and less birds fly south for winter. If it keeps getting warmer, there could be floods and terrible storms. To help the Read more…

Thoughts from a very abbreviated season

This year did not start out auspiciously for me. After last year’s Boilermaker, a stubborn hip injury, coupled with some plantar fasciitis and a bout of COVID, kept me from getting any sort of training in. Luckily, sometime during the summer, my hip improved and I was able to start cautiously training. While my volume and intensity were still nowhere near what I used to do, I was able to build up to 35 miles Read more…