“I never thought I’d have the courage to sign up for a full marathon. I used to get done with a half and think there’s no way I could do that all over again in the same day. I mean, running a full 26.2 miles is longer than my commute to work! But that was then. Since that first half back in 2010 I’ve run several more so that the idea of running a full didn’t seem so insane after all. But with such a goal looming over me where was I to start? With the longer distance I now had to think about nutrition, hydration, longer longs, taper (what’s that?!), not to mention the time commitment! That’s where I was glad Matt was there to help put all of that into a simple to follow plan that was tailored to my current running fitness to get me happily (and healthily) to the finish. Through every week, mile, and blister Matt helped me stay focused on my plan and goals. (Even though that taper did NOT feel like a holiday!) He kept track of my progress weekly, and incorporated alterations to the plan as needed. In the end I nailed my 4.5 hour goal and earned my sticker. Now I’m proud to say that I can RunTuff!”
– Lauryn R.
“What could I possibly say about Matt Roberts and the value he added to my athletic career? I was ‘blessed’ with the natural ability and body type of a distance runner. I could always rely on my natural talent to pull me through training or a race. I was fortunate enough to run four years at the collegiate level and I was even the Runner of the Year my freshmen and senior campaigns. Despite the marginal success I achieved in my running career – something was missing. In the winter of 2012, I decided to train for and race my first Marathon. I had a vague idea of what would lie ahead with respect to Marathon training, but it was Matt who reminded me of the undivided attention, determination and motivation I would need to maintain if I wanted to run a successful debut Marathon. Matt was able to help me realize that running and, more specifically, racing are more than just the act itself. If I wanted to have success in the Marathon, I needed to remain focused on my goals. Matt remained in close contact with me throughout my entire training process and his guidance allowed me to reach new levels of consistency, mileage and a competitive drive that I had never experienced before in my running career. Many months later, when I crossed the finish line in 3:06.04, I knew that I wouldn’t have been able to run such a strong debut without the consistent and unparalleled direction of Coach Matt Roberts.”
– Ryan B
“I met Matt in 2014, through a mutual friend, the day before the Boilermaker 15k. We had dinner together and Matt was gracious enough to let me crash at his place and carpool to the start line. In 2014 I was finally getting back into the swing of “training” and was excited to attempt to relieve/better my glory days. After about 6 months and several miles together, Matt convinced me to join a local running team (Roadkill Racing) even though I didn’t feel like I was ready to join a team. From 2015 through 2016 Matt and I ran about 260 miles (I know the exact total miles but some think that’s weird) together and he told me that he thinks I can run faster. This is where I asked Matt to coach me. We sat down and we looked at my recent race results/training and we made some goals for 2017 and we haven’t looked back. Before asking Matt to coach me I tried, and failed, at the marathon several times. Before I asked Matt to coach me I was a consistent 18:30s 5k guy, a 40 minute 10k guy and a 3:40 marathon guy. Since Matt has started coaching me I have smashed all of my PRs by significant times. Matt’s style of coaching is taking a look at your whole “career” and trying to build from there. Matt has held me accountable but is understanding when I’ve missed a workout or run. If you put in the work and talk with Matt about what your goals are he will help guide you to them. Next goal: beat Matt in a race… to be continued.”
-Kraig C.
“I had some pretty big running goals for 2018 and I wasn’t quite sure how to go about making them happen other than to keep running. I decided to give coaching a try and asked my good friend and teammate, Matt Roberts, aka RunTuff to help get me there. Matt and I talked about my goals and my challenges. He set up monthly workouts and explained all the terms I was not familiar with. But above and beyond all that, Matt was accessible and was able to adjust workouts as needed whenever “life happened”, which was often! Workouts were challenging and anytime I felt like I couldn’t do it, he reminded me that I could.
The proof is in the results. Here’s a recap of what Matt helped me achieve.
Vermont City Marathon 2017: 4:58 2018: 4:37
Syracuse Half Marathon 2017: 2:05 2018: 2:02
5 mile 2017: 47:45 2018: 44:43
There were a few more course PR’s that happened as well but frankly, I forget. What I won’t forget is how awesome it was to not have to think about what I was going to run each day and to just put in the work. There was always an encouraging text before every race and a check in when it was done! If you have running goals and want a personal touch to your training, give RunTuff a call! If you are ready to put in the work, you won’t be disappointed!”
-Martha D